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Get a Passive Income Residence Visa in Portugal

Immigration advice for Non-EU nationals who want to wish to live in Portugal without performing any economic activity.

The Passive Income Residence Visa, or D7 visa, is Portugal’s version a “Wealth Visa”

You can reside in Portugal by demonstrating to the Immigration officials that you have sufficient resources to support yourself and your family.

What is Passive Income Visa?

The Passive Income Residence Visa, which known locally the D7 visa, is a type of residency in Portgual that allows non-EU citizens to live in the country with their own financial resources. They are not authorized to conduct any type of local economic activity. 

The visa is initially issued for four months, which allows the applicant to establish themselves in Portugal and then apply for a Residence Permit. This second permit is valid for two years and can be renewed in three-year periods. 

After completing five years of residence, the visa holder can either request Portuguese Citizenship or permanent residence. They can do this in partnership with their spouse or children.

Furthermore, the holder is allowed to travel throughout the EU’s Schengen area without requiring another visa and can enjoy the freedom of movement throughout most of the continent. Also, the permit holder has the right to work in Portugal.

How to get a Passive Income Visa?

The application must be made in person at the Portuguese Consulate or Embassy in the applicant’s home country. The application cannot be filed from within Portugal. 

Once the application has been submitted to the Consulate or Embassy, the applicant should receive a positive decision together with their visa. This usually takes up to three months but can be quicker.

The applicant must be able to show that they have sufficient funds to support themselves and their family, if applicable, to live in Portugal. It’s important to work with an experienced Immigration Lawyer because each Consulate has different requirements when assessing an applicant’s financial situation. In our experience, most Consulates require the funds to be deposited into a Portuguese financial institution and we can assist you with opening a personal bank account in the country remotely.

Some of the documentation may need to be certified and translated into Portuguese by a professional and we provide guidance and support here. Furthermore, it’s mandatory to obtain private healthcare insurance in Portugal and we work with preferred providers to arrange this.

The Process of getting Passive Income Residence Visa

Like most visa applications, there’s a general process to follow, which is outlined below.

  1.  Gather the  documentation

Typically, the applicant normally takes between three to six weeks to gather all the necessary documents for the visa application.

  1.  Apply at the Portuguese Embassy or Consulate

Once the documents are gathered, the applicant can submit all the documentation to the Portuguese Embassy or Consulate in their home country or current place of residence. 

  1.  Relocate to Portugal

Once the application has been approved, you will be granted a visa to travel to Portugal. You have up to one month to collect the visa and have it added to your passport. The visa is issued for four months and allows you to enter Portugal twice.

  1. Apply for the Residence Permit Card

Finally, our immigration lawyers will schedule an appointment for you at the Portuguese Borders and Foreigners Service, called SEF, and apply for your Residence Permit card. The appointment can be in any city in Portugal depending on SEF’s and your availability.

What are the requirements?

  1. Show that you receive a fixed monthly amount from a permanent source, like a trust or income fund, retirement pension or rental income. The minimum amount required is at least €700 a month plus €350 per month for every adult family member joining the main applicant and €235 a month for each child. You can hold the necessary amounts in advance for the years that the residence permit is valid. The greater the income or funds available, the higher the chance of approval.
  2. Obtain a private healthcare insurance policy that is fully valid in Portugal.
  3. Provide other documentation such as a police clearance certificate and proof of accommodation in Portugal. Some Consulates will ask for other documents, so it’s important to work with an experienced Immigration Lawyer to ensure a smooth and affordable process.

Process of renewing Passive Income Residence Permit In Portugal


To renew your Passive Income Residence Permit you must show that you still have sufficient financial means to support yourself and your family, if applicable.

Also, you cannot have been absent from Portugal for more than 180 days in a row or for eight months in total during the validity of the permit, although some exceptions might apply.

What else is important to understand?

  • Lexidy will analyze your case to understand the viability of your application.
  • Our lawyers understand the specific requirements of each Consulate and how to satisfy them.
  • We can put you in touch with partners such as insurance companies or sworn translators.
  • We support with the completion of forms and draft of a motivation letter.
  • Our immigration experts will review the documents to see if they meet the requirements. 

The experience of our lawyers can speed up the issuance of your visa, once we avoid unnecessary setbacks in the process.

Our lawyers know the requirements of each Portuguese Consulate and Immigration Office in Portugal. They can also contact the Immigration Offices in Portugal to ask about the specific requirements.

If geographically possible, we can accompany you to different appointments and help you with the communication to avoid any misunderstanding that may occur during the application.

Full assistance in English, French or Spanish.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is possible to work in Portugal as a passive income residence visa holder. For this, it is necessary to be registered within the Social Security in Portugal.

The residence permit holder cannot be absent from Portugal more than six months in a row or eight months total during the validity of the document.

Yes. After five years holding a Portuguese residence permit, you can apply for the Portuguese citizenship. You will need to pass a Portuguese language exam.

Once the residence permit is granted, it is possible to request the registration in the Portuguese Health System and Lexidy can assist you with this.

Yes, all the worldwide income tax must be paid and declared in Portugal, once the foreigner becomes a tax resident.

How can a lawyer help with the Passive Income Visa?

First, we analyze your case to understand the viability of your application.

We work closely with each Consulate and understand their specific requirements. This speeds up the process of securing your visa.

We can put you in touch with partners such as insurance companies or sworn translators.

We help with the completion of forms and draft of a motivation letter.

Our lawyers will also review of documents to see if they meet the requirements. 

Our experience means that we can speed up the issuance of your visa, once we avoid unnecessary setbacks in the process.

Our lawyers know the requirements of each Portuguese Consulate and Immigration Office in Portugal. They can also contact the Immigration Offices in Portugal to ask about the specific requirements.

If possible, we can accompany you to different appointments and help you with the communication to avoid any misunderstanding that may occur during the application.

We offer full assistance in English, French, Greek, Italy, Portuguese and Spanish.

¨We will be with you each step of the journey.¨

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