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Legal Advice For Your Intellectual Property in Portugal

Ensure that your brand is not copied by imitators

Our corporate lawyers will guide you through the process step-by-step.

How can a lawyer help me?

Intellectual property rights infringement occurs when original works and creations are used and reproduced without the proper consent of their owners. This can generate both economic and cultural damage to their owners as well as harm society at large. 


Portuguese laws protect the intellectual property of an individual by establishing different proceedings and sanctions. These are imposed upon whoever uses a person’s assets without their consent. This type of lawsuit must be filed by a lawyer. 

Lexidy helps clients protect their rights by providing services that go far in GDPR and IP registration. We also help by filing lawsuits with the EU’s Intellectual Property Office or before the World Intellectual Property Office if necessary.

Our corporate lawyers are experienced in handling trade secrets. They work closely with patent and trademark offices to provide the correct pieces of information. We can help with short term issues or a more significant economic, cultural or social threat to your business.

¨We will be with you each step of the journey.¨


What is a Intellectual and Industrial Property?

Intellectual Property, or IP for short, refers to intangible assets that are owned by a person or company. These grant the owner the right to prevent third parties from using them without their consent. A wide range of assets can benefit from protecting IP rights. 

It can be creative like artistic and literary works, which is called Intellectual Property). It can also be more structured like designs and trademarks, which is known as Industrial Property. 

They are different from tangible assets like buildings or objects.

Companies generally show a special interest in these because it preserves the product or service that they offer. However, it also protects its reputation and good name by branding with a trademark – which covers its scope of activity. 

Protecting products and services with IP rights is important. It’s the main way to ensure one company’s product or service stands out from others. 

These types of assets leave a memorable impression in the minds of customers. This recognition encourages consumers to be repeat buyers and use the product again. This includes scenarios where another competitor has thought up something new. 

Protecting a brand makes it more valuable because it allows its identity to grow and establish itself in the marketplace. It  gives companies the professional appearance they strive for while also expanding their reach across different markets. 


To avoid legal issues, a company needs to have the client’s consent when processing their data. It is essential that the customer has agreed for this process to happen as soon as trading starts. This is especially true in certain situations like trading via a website. 

What is data protection?

Data protection is about practices, safeguards and principles to protect personal information. Practising data protection ensures that you are in control of your personal information. The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, is mandatory and must be complied with.

At Lexidy LegalTech Boutique we can help protect clients from data protection claims. We can draft legal documents that notify the subject of changes to their data processing. Even after they have given consent to do so.

Our Story

We are a department formed by qualified legal experts who have been trained in the field of corporate law. We work on these requests every day and it’s our passion. For us, Lexidy is a way of life and what excites us the most is to be able to deliver the happiness and satisfaction of a successful process. We want to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

Maria Eduarda

Maria Eduarda

Legal Trainee

Rita Figueiredo

Lawyer, Head of Lisbon
Jose Varanda

Jose Varanda


Bárbara Ferreira


Client’s stories

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