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EU Registration Certificate Portugal

EU citizens can obtain quick and reliable assistance for getting the EU Registration Certificate for residence in Portugal.

There are several ways to obtain EU Certificate in Portugal. Our immigration lawyers will guide you through the process step-by-step.

How can a lawyer help with the EU Registration Certificate for Portugal?

Each region and its administrators has different requirements, and our legal representatives understand just how the needs vary throughout Portugal. They can also speak with regiona municipalities to enquire about the certain demands.

Our legal team will submit the application online on your behalf so you do not require to spend any time in an immigration office.

Our lawyers frequently deal with these procedures and are here to accelerate the process to acquire an appointment swiftly.

We can also overcome any troubles with language barriers while doing so. Our attorneys offer full assistance in English, French or Italian.

Our lawyers can help you get your EU certificate, avoiding unnecessary bureaucracy by contacting the City Hall in a quick and efficient way giving all support you need during the process. Also, we help you to gather all the necessary documentation to obtain your EU Certificate.

¨We will be with you each step of the journey.¨


What is an EU Registration Certificate?

There are no barriers to European citizens claiming residency in Portugal thanks to the EU’s commitment to freedom of movement and its citizenship laws, which also extend to certain family members, even if they are not from the EU themselves.

If you are an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen and want to live in Portugal, it’s mandatory to obtain a Registration Certificate after being in Portugal for more than three months. 

The certificate is valid for up to five years and can be renewed. It’s also an important document for those seeking permanent residency in Portugal.

How to obtain the EU Registration Certificate for Portugal?

Citizens of EU, EEA and Switzerland do not need a residence permit when in Portugal. However they will need to request a Registration Certificate from their local council hall in their area of residence. We recommend arranging this appointment in advance as there is often many people seeking this document.

The required paperwork isn’t too complex and most people need the following: 

  • an EU passport or ID card 
  • a Portuguese tax ID
  • proof of accommodation in Portugal
  • a Portguese bank account
  • and sufficient proof that they can financially support themselves

The applicant will also need to have valid health insurance and, if they are a student, proof that they are enrolled onto a course at an accredited education institution. 

The certificate is valid for up to five years, after which EU and EFTA nationals can request a permanent residence certificate from the Portuguese Immigration Authorities. 

Applicants should receive the EU Certificate on the day that they attend the appointment with the Town Hall. 

Process of getting an EU Registration Certificate in Portugal

1. Schedule an appointment with the local town hall 

It can take between 24 hours and a month to arrange this meeting

2. Collect the necessary documents

Depending on the situation, this is can be as quick as a day

3. Visit the Town Hall

The applicant should receive the certificate during their appointment


What other documents are required for the EU Registration Certificate in Portugal?

For Employed or Self-employed people

  • An employment contract or proof of registration with social security
  • Proof

For students

  • Proof that they are enrolled with a public or private academic institution or professional education.
  • Valid health insurance.
  • Proof of sufficient economic means, like a bank certificate or statement, or a sworn affidavit that declares sufficient funds.


We are a department formed by qualified legal experts who have been trained in the field of immigration law. We work on these requests every day and it’s our passion. For us, Lexidy is a way of life and what excites us the most is to be able to deliver the happiness and satisfaction of a successful immigration process. We want to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

Vasco Dias

Vasco Dias

Thabata Mota

Thabata Mota

Legal Trainee
Diana Andrade

Diana Andrade

Lawyer, Head of Immigration Portugal
Marina Tomini

Marina Tormin

Bruna Duarte

Bruna Duarte

Trainee Lawyer
Ricardo Lopes

Ricardo Lopes

Pedro Silva

Pedro Silva

Immigration Administrative

Pedro Silva



Trainee Lawyer


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