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Legal Note

Identification Data


NIF: B66848862, and registered at the Commercial Registry of Barcelona, at Tomo 45549, Folio 40, B-491463

Registered Office: Av. Diagonal 442, 3-1 (08037, Barcelona, Spain)



The use of the Site, including all its pages and content (hereafter referred to as the “Website”), is subject to the rules established in this Legal Notice, which is owned and operated by LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE, S.L.P. (owner of the registered trademark “Lexidy Law Boutique”); therefore the user must read it carefully.

The user that has access, browses, and views the Website, and / or uses the materials contained therein (hereafter referred to as the “User“) declares that has read, acknowledges, and accepts without reservation or exception the legal terms, as well as the possible liabilities arising from their use.

Certain services on the Website are exclusive to our clients, and the access to them is restricted, as well as they are likely to be subjected to specific terms and conditions, regulations or instructions, which, if appropriate, may supersede, supplement and/or amend this Legal Notice, and must be accepted by the User before the provision of the relevant service begins.

The User agrees to read this Legal Notice carefully on each occasion on which he intends to use the Website, since it and its legal terms may be modified by LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE at any time.


Access and use to the Website is free for the Users, except for the cost of connecting through the telecommunications networks supplied by the Internet service provider.

The User must fill in the corresponding contact forms with true, exact, complete, and up-to-date information, and bears the responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for any damages which may be caused to LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE or to third parties.

The User undertakes to make proper and lawful use of the Website, in accordance with the laws, good faith, public order, traffic use and this Legal Note. The prohibited uses are understood to include but not be limited to:

  • Disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic – illegal nature, or in defense of terrorism or against human rights or fundamental freedoms.
  • Engage in illicit, illegal, or contrary to good faith and public order activities.
  • Cause damage to the physical and logical systems of LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE, its suppliers or third parties, introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause the aforementioned damage.
  • Try to access, and where appropriate, use the email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages. LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE reserves the right to withdraw all comments and contributions that violate respect for the dignity of the person, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, that threaten youth or childhood, order, or public safety or that, in its opinion, are not suitable for publication.
  • Provide false and misleading information.
  • Neither shall any attempt, whatever its purpose, to impersonate third parties or the publication of private contact details be tolerated under any circumstances.

The User will be liable to LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE or to third parties, for any losses and damages that may be caused as a result of a breach of these obligations. In any case, LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by the User through chats, forums, social networks, or other participation tools.


The content of the Website is intended to provide general information in regard to the firm and the legal services offered, as well as about laws, regulations and other relevant legal news; and is provided to the User solely on an “as is” and “as available” basis.

The mere access to the information contained in this Website neither creates a binding agreement with the User in any way, nor any other typology of relationship or commitment.

The legal services provided by LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE in general are priced according to the relevant proposal and will not, under any circumstances, be offered or rendered through the Website service.


The User acknowledges and accepts that all copyright, trademark and other intellectual or industrial property rights on the Website contents or materials, correspond at all times to LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE (all rights reserved ©), by itself or as an assignee, or to those who granted a license for its use. These rights are understood to include but not be limited to, any content susceptible of intellectual and industrial property such as, name, source codes, texts, images, photos, icons, drawings, combinations of colors, audio and / or video files, software files, buttons, brands, logos, slogans, and designs, selection of used materials, as well as the structure, presentation of any information and / or content on this Website.

According to the Intellectual Property Law, the copy, reproduction, modification, transformation, distribution, extraction, reuse, resend, use in any way and by any means or procedure, and public communication – including making available wholly or in part – of the content of this Website, for commercial or not-commercial purposes by any means without the written authorization of LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE or the holder of the relevant rights remains completely prohibited.

The access to the Website does not give license or authorization or assign any industrial or intellectual property rights, over the contents and / or information of the Website or any of the parts thereof, beyond strictly personal use. The User may visualize and obtain temporary private copies of the Contents for exclusive and private use in his computer systems (hardware and software), provided that the intended purpose is not to develop any commercial or professional activity. The User may not obtain or attempt to obtain the Contents through any means or procedures other than those intentionally made available to him or indicated for that purpose, or which are normally used on the Internet (provided that the latter do not imply a risk of damage or uselessness for LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE). The User shall respect at all times all of the intellectual and industrial property rights existing over LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE, or by third parties. Unauthorized use of materials and information contained on this website may constitute a violation of intellectual or industrial property rights and other applicable laws.


LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE will provide the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the User’s personal data and will process them to the extent permitted by the law or under the User’s consent. For more information, please visit our Privacy Policy and our Cookies Policy, as well as you can contact us via email


This Website may include links, directories, search engines, hyperlinks, banners, buttons or other similar items, which link to third party sites. The installation of these links is intended to User’s search for and access to information available on the Internet, without being a suggestion, recommendation or invitation to visit them.

In such cases, LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE acts as an intermediation service provider in conformity with Article 17 Law 34/2002, of July 12, 2002, of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, and will only be liable for the content and services supplied on linked sites to the extent that LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE is actually aware of their unlawfulness and has not disabled the link with due care. If the User considers that there is a linked site with unlawful or inappropriate content, User may communicate this to LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE in accordance with the procedure and the effects established in Communications Clause, although such communication will not, under any circumstances, entail any obligation to remove the link in question.

At the moment in which the User accesses the links of third parties and leaves this Website, the Legal Note, the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy will cease to have effect, since the rest of the websites to which the User accesses are subject to their own terms and conditions.

LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE has no control over the pages linked through the links placed on the Website, and the User acknowledges and accepts that LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE does not assume any liability for the content or the services which the user may access on said pages or for any product that is advertised on the same.

The Users wishing to add links from their own web sites to the WebSite must comply with the conditions detailed below and ignorance of the said conditions shall not be an obstacle to their liability under the law:

  • Links may only connect to the home page of the WebSite but not reproduce it in any way (inline links, copy of the texts, graphic elements, etc.). In all cases, in accordance with applicable legislation in force from time to time, Users are prohibited from establishing frames of any kind enveloping the WebSite or enabling its contents to be viewed through URLs other than those of the website and, in any case, from displaying the website alongside contents in such a way as: (I) to produce, or potentially produce, error, confusion or a mistake to the User about the true origin of the service or Contents; (II) to imply any unfair comparison or imitation; (III) to take advantage of the reputation of the brand name and renown of LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE; or (IV) to act in any other way prohibited by current legislation.
  • No false, inaccurate or incorrect statement about LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE, its management, employees, customers or the quality of the services rendered shall be made from the page inserting the link.
  • In no case shall the page inserting the link make any indication that LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE has given its consent for the insertion of the link or that it in any other way sponsors, collaborates with, verifies or supervises the services of the page linked.
  • The use of any denominative, graphic or mixed brand or any other distinctive sign belonging to LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE is prohibited on the web page inserting the link except in those cases allowed by statute or expressly authorized by LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE and provided that, in such cases, a direct link to the Website is permitted in the manner established in this clause.
  • The page establishing the link must faithfully comply with current statute and may not in any case link to or make use of any contents, whether its own or of third parties, that: (I) is illicit, harmful or contrary to public morals and accepted custom (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.); (II) lead or may lead Users to the false impression that LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE subscribes, backs, conforms to or in any way supports, the ideas, statements or expressions, whether licit or illicit, of the party placing the link; (III) are inappropriate or not pertinent for the activities of LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE having regard for the place, contents and subject matter of the website placing the link. Similarly, Users will refrain from including on their websites any hyperlink leading to the Website containing illicit information or content contrary to public morals and generally accepted customs, or law and order.


The content of this website is of a general nature and has a purely informative purpose, without fully guaranteeing access to all the contents, nor its completeness, correctness, validity or actuality, nor its suitability or usefulness for a specific goal.

Also, when LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE publishes content from third parties, will not be liable for its validity and accuracy thereof, remaining exempt from any contractual or extra-contractual liability with the User who make use of them.

The User uses this Website accesses it at their own risk and expense, any consequences for improper use should be borne by the User.

LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE excludes, to the extent permitted by the legal system, any liability for damages of any kind arising from:

  • The impossibility of access to the Website or the lack of veracity, accuracy, completeness and/or timeliness of the contents, as well as the existence of vices and defects of all kinds of the contents transmitted, disseminated, stored, made available, which have been accessed through the Website or the legal services offered.
  • The presence of viruses or other elements in the content that may cause alterations in computer systems, electronic documents or user data.
  • Failure to comply with the laws, good faith, public order, traffic uses and this legal notice as a consequence of the incorrect use of the Website.

LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE may hold the User responsible for using the Website improperly, for causing damage or injury to third persons and for the possible viruses or computer programs that they may introduce, generate or host on the Website and that damage or can damage both the contents as well as the proper functioning of the Website, as well as the computers, systems and programs of the User of the website.

LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE reserves the right to interrupt access to its Website and the provision of any service through it at any time and without prior notice, whether for technical, security or maintenance reasons or for any other reason.

LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE does not guarantee that the Website complies with the laws of other countries, either totally or partially. If the User resides or is domiciled in another place and decides to access and / or navigate the Website, he will do so at his own risk, he must ensure that such access and navigation complies with the local legislation that is applicable, not assuming LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE any liability that may derive from such access.


The User can get in contact with LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE via the mechanisms indicated in the “Contact Us” tab or via the enquiry forms available throughout the Website. All notifications and communications made by LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE to the User by any means will be considered effective for all purposes.

If the User becomes aware of the existence of any link that redirects to websites, in which its content or offered services are of unlawful, illegal, or immoral nature, we kindly request the User to contact LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE indicating the following:

  • Personal data of the sender: name, address, telephone number and e-mail address
  • Description of the facts that reveal the unlawful or inappropriate nature of the linked site.
  • Where rights such as intellectual or industrial property rights are infringed, the personal data of the holder of the infringed right, where the holder is not the sender. He must also produce an instrument that substantiates the standing of the holder of the rights and, as the case may be, his authority to act on behalf of the holder where the holder is not the communicating party.
  • An express representation that the information contained in the communication is accurate.

Receipt by LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE of the communication provided for in this Clause will not imply, pursuant to the provisions of the Law 34/2002, of July 12, 2002, of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, actual knowledge of the activities and/or content indicated by the sender.


In the case that any disposition of this Legal Note is deemed null and void, partially or totally, by any Court, Tribunal or other competent administrative body, said invalidity shall solely affect said provision thereof.

This Legal Notice replace any previous terms of use and legal dispositions that may exist with the same purpose.


The Users and LEXIDY LAW BOUTIQUE submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona (Spain) for the resolution of conflicts and renounce any other jurisdiction that may be applicable to them, provided that the applicable legislation so permits.

This Legal Notice shall be governed by Spanish law.

UPDATE DATE: 11/01/2020