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Aide à l'immigration en France

Ajournement Naturalisation

Vous êtes étranger et vous souhaitez obtenir la nationalité française? Mais l’administration a décidé d’ajourner votre demande de naturalisation? Rassurez-vous, vous pouvez introduire un recours en cas de décision défavorable. La naturalisation représente une part non négligeable des adhésions à la nationalité française.

Recours Ajournement Naturalisation

Quelles sont les conditions de naturalisation? Quelles sont les voies de recours en cas de décision d’ajournement? Un avocat exerçant en droit de l’immigration peut vous aider dans votre démarche. N’hésitez pas à demander à vos proches ou à votre employeur de rédiger une lettre de recommandation pour appuyer votre demande de naturalisation.

Laissez nos avocats vous aider en vous offrant une évaluation gratuite. Il suffit de nous envoyer les détails sur la façon dont nous pouvons vous aider via le formulaire mis à votre disposition!

Les conditions de la naturalisation

Les candidats à la naturalisation doivent remplir un certain nombre de conditions pour que leur demande soit recevable. En voici la liste:

  • Être majeur ou avoir résidé en France avec un parent français pendant les 5 années précédant le dépôt de la demande de nationalité par naturalisation.
  • Avoir le centre des attaches familiales et des intérêts matériels en France.

Résider en France depuis au moins 5 ans, sauf dans l’un des cas particuliers de la liste suivante où aucune durée minimale n’est exigée :

  • Le demandeur a le statut de réfugié;
  • Le pays d’origine est un pays francophone;
  • L’étranger a accompli son service militaire dans l’armée française ou est engagé dans une armée alliée de la France en temps de guerre;
  • Il a rendu un service exceptionnel à l’Etat français;
  • Disposer d’un titre de séjour en cours de validité au moment du dépôt de la demande sauf si le demandeur est d’origine suisse ou ressortissant d’un pays de l’Espace économique européen.
  • Justifier d’une assimilation à la communauté française.
  • Prouver la connaissance de la langue française.
  • Disposer de ressources financières suffisantes et stables pour subvenir à ses besoins et à ceux de son foyer fiscal .
  • Ne pas avoir fait l’objet d’une condamnation pénale.

À propos de notre département d'immigration

Notre service est composé d’experts juridiques dévoués et hautement qualifiés qui ont été formés pour comprendre et naviguer dans le monde complexe du droit de l’immigration. Chaque jour, nous travaillons avec des clients nouveaux et existants pour transformer leurs espoirs et leurs rêves en quelque chose qu’ils peuvent tenir. C’est réel et c’est notre passion. Nous considérons Lexidy comme un mode de vie et il n’y a rien de plus excitant que la satisfaction de fournir ce qui compte vraiment pour les gens – des résultats. Dans notre monde, les résultats sont le bonheur, les retrouvailles et l’aventure avec un processus d’immigration réussi. Laissez-nous vous aider à réaliser vos objectifs et vos rêves dès maintenant.

Trouvez votre avocats exerçant en droit de l'immigration.

Eleonore Tavares
Head of Lexidy France

Eléonore Tavares de Pinho

Lawyer | Avocate à la Cour

Lawyer | Avocate à la Cour

Legal Trainee

Nour Rachidy

Julio Vero
Legal Counsel

Julio Vero

Hector Valero
Legal Trainee

Hector Valero

Pauline Flaviano
Legal Trainee

Pauline Flaviano

Eva Novoa Andino

Eva Novoa Andino

Sandra V
Tax Lawyer

Sandra Vannier 

Gergana Illieva
Legal Trainee

Gergana Ilieva

Head of Lexidy France

Eléonore Tavares de Pinho

Born in Senegal to Belgian-Portuguese parents and having lived for several years in various countries, Eléonore quickly became passionate about Immigration legislation. She graduated from the University of la Sorbonne and the University of Florence and obtained a five-year dual degree in Italian and French Law. As an attorney, she chose to work in Immigration Law in order to have real action on the field and help people fulfill their projects.  Deeply convinced that digital technologies can make law and legal services simpler and impact people’s lives in a positive way, Eléonore will always be looking for the most efficient way to meet your needs.

Lawyer | Avocate à la Cour

Lawyer | Avocate à la Cour

Victoire is born and raised French, despite family from all around the world.
She graduated her Masters degree in international law and human rights law,
and believes she did not fall into Immigration law by accident. She is passionate
about helping others transform their dream to move to France into a project,
either professional or familial. She loves her crazy Paris city and the French
countryside, discovering new cultures, and showing off good old France.
Speaking: French and English.

Legal Trainee

Nour Rachidy

She was born and raised in France but is a dual national. From a young age she knew she wanted to become a lawyer. Nour studied private law in French university during my bachelor. Later she inroad in a Master Degree in which Nour studied International and European litigation law. She ended her master in Greece studying in an LLM of international Law. Growing up she was always facing various legal systems, procedure that immigrant go through in order to visit family, work, study. Nous is very comfortable talking and helping people legally or not in different language to make them feel helped efficiently. Speaking: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic.

Legal Counsel

Julio Vero

Born in Brazil, where I started my Law studies, changing to Law School in Portugal and got my degree from University of Porto in 2021. I got a Master’s  in European Law in Paris, at the University Paris 12. I have been having an enriching experience during my traineeship at Lexidy, where I get to complete with practical skills the knowledge I have acquired during these many years of  legal studies. What I like to do the most is reading and cooking. I am fluent in Portuguese, French and English, and I am currently learning German.

Legal Trainee

Hector Valero

Born in Valencia, Spain, he started a Double Degree in French and Spanish Law between the Universitat de Valencia and the Université Toulouse 1 Capitole. Along with this degree formation, he specialized in European and International Law in for two years, completing it with a Master Thesis about the Evolution of the concept of States Boarders in the light of Internet. During my Master’s degree, Hector was able to discover Immigration law through the lens of European and French Law. Throughout the internship at Legal Service at the European Parliament, he learned the practical side of European and Public International Law from the lens of creation and conclusion of International Agreements. Finally, his experience at M&B Avocats helped to develop the profile as a French and Spanish Law Jurist, knowing the insights and particular traits of both legal systems. Speaks: English, Spanish, French.

Legal Trainee

Pauline Flaviano

Pauline Flaviano is half-french half-hongkongese, and lived in both places. Her European law studies also allowed her to live in Spain for a year. Her European studies focus on the European asylum and immigration policies. Having lived in different countries and speaking multiple languages, she joined the Paris immigration team for her end-of-studies internship. Speaks: French, English, Cantonese.


Eva Novoa Andino

Eva is originally from El Salvador but has lived in France and Spain. She obtained a double degree in French and Spanish Law from the Université Toulouse Capitole I and Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, specializing in International & European Law, reflecting her keen interest in the intersection of legal systems across borders. She has obtained her Master’s in Access to the Legal Profession and is registered at the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB). Drawing from her diverse experiences in an international setting, Eva has cultivated a profound interest in international and immigration law. She speaks Spanish, French, English, and Portuguese and is currently learning Catalan. Eva’s extensive international exposure, coupled with her linguistic proficiency, positions her as a valuable asset for clients seeking comprehensive legal expertise in a global context. 

Tax Lawyer

Sandra Vannier 

Sandra is half-French and half-Lebanese. She is born and raised French and travels around the world to visit her family. Sandra has known since she was a teenager that she wanted to become a lawyer. Passionate about numbers, she naturally turned to tax and corporate law and graduated in these subjects from Assas University and INSEEC business school. Sandra has been practicing as a lawyer since December 2015. She loves assisting people and companies who come to France to facilitate their tax matters. She also assists entrepreneurs, shareholders and companies to set up or develop their business in France. Her approach is to provide personalised legal advice adapted to the client’s needs, because every project is unique. Speaks: French and English.

Legal Trainee

Gergana Ilieva

She was born in Bulgaria where she pursued her Bachelor’s degree in European Studies, majoring in law at Sofia University. Seeking to deepen her understanding of EU law and proficiency in French and English, she’s currently enrolled in a Master’s degree in European Law and Litigation from the University Paris-Panthéon-Assas in Paris, France. As an immigrant herself, Gergana empathises with the legal hurdles faced by individuals establishing themselves in a new country. Driven by her own experiences, she has joined the Immigration team at Lexidy Paris to assist fellow expatriates and to ease their transition into a new cultural and legal landscape. Speaks: English, French, Bulgarian, Russian.

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