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Retirement visa in Spain

Retirement Non lucrative


Retire in Spain Non Lucrative Visa!

Are you still looking for a retirement destination? Apply for the retirement visa in Spain through a Non-Lucrative Residency Permit! This residence permit will grant you the right to reside in a sunny and friendly country, while the basic requirement you have to fulfil are just proving the availability of moderate income or economic resources in order to maintain yourself in Spain, and the disposal of a health insurance for Spain. 

The permit allows you to bring your close relatives with you. Namely, spouse or registered partner, under 18 years old children, or above 18 if dependent, under specific circumstances. 

General Requirements

  • You must not be a citizen of a State of the European Union, of the European Economic Area or of Switzerland, or a relative of citizens of these countries to whom the EU regime applies.
  • You must not be irregularly in Spain.
  • You cannot have criminal records in Spain and in your previous countries of residence for crimes existing in the Spanish legal system.
  • You cannot be forbidden to enter Spain and you cannot appear as rejectable in the territorial space of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement to this effect.
  • You cannot suffer from any of the diseases that may have serious public health repercussions in accordance with the provisions of the International Health Regulations of 2005.
  • You cannot be in the period of commitment not to return to Spain that the foreigner has assumed when taking part in a voluntary return programme.
  • Public or Private Health Insurance in Spain. It should be valid for the period of your residence in Spain, and should be renewed automatically.
  • You have to dispose of sufficient economic means in order to be able to maintain yourself and your relatives in Spain (2.151,36 €/month per the main applicant, and 537,84 €/month for each accompanying family member):
  • The availability of sufficient financial resources in order to retire in Spain with a Non Lucrative Visa shall be demonstrated by means of the presentation of documentation enabling verification of the receipt of regular and sufficient income or the holding of assets guaranteeing such receipt of income.
  • Availability may be accredited by any means of proof admitted by law, including the provision of property titles, certified cheques or credit cards, which must be accompanied by a bank certificate accrediting the amount available as credit for the aforementioned card.
  • If the economic resources come from shares or holdings in Spanish, mixed or foreign companies located in Spain, the interested party shall certify, by means of a certificate from these companies, that he does not carry out any work activity in said companies, and shall present a sworn statement to that effect.

Procedure and timeline

The Non-Lucrative Residence Permit has to be applied for before the Spanish Consulate in the place of residence of the applicant. 

The Spanish Consulate has legally 3 months to resolve the application (the time you will need to receive a resolution will depend on the workload of the specific Consulate). 

In case of a favourable resolution, you will have to collect your National Visa at the Spanish Consulate within the period of 1 month after the notification of the resolution; enter Spanish territory within he validity of your National Visa (which is usually issued for a period of 90 days); and apply for your Foreigner Identity Card within 1 month from your entry into Spain (the Foreigner Identity Card is usually issued after 30 days from the day of the application).

How can Lexidy help me?

At Lexidy we can assist you with all the steps to Retirement visa in Spain with a Non Lucrative permit. Get in touch with us and see what we can do for you. We are eager to help you establishing an amicable life in Spain.

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