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This is a very specific residency and work permit for a very special category of workers that operate under certain conditions. The exception to the work permit allows a lucrative, work or professional activity for a period exceeding ninety days. Meaning, you are actually allowed to work in Spain without obtaining a work authorisation first, if you fall under one of the categories we will explain.

Why apply for this permit?

Perhaps your situation allows you to go down an easier route to get a work permit in Spain.

Have a look at the following list of activities. If you are going to do one of these activities, you will probably have an easier way to get your work permit.

  • Technicians and scientists. Invited or contracted by the Spanish administration. Aimed at foreigners who, due to their knowledge, specialization, experience or scientific practices, are invited or hired by the Administration to carry out a technical, scientific or general interest activity or program.
  • Professors, technicians, researchers and scientists. Invited or hired by a Spanish university. Aimed at foreign teachers who are invited or hired by a Spanish university to carry out teaching, research or academic tasks.
  • Managers, teachers or researchers of cultural institutions or teachers dependent on other States or foreign private institutions of accredited prestige, officially recognized by Spain, in cultural programs and teachers of their countries.
  • Civil or military officials of foreign Administrations in activities under cooperation agreements with the Spanish Administration.
  • Foreign media correspondents who carry out their information activity in Spain. Duly accredited by the Spanish authorities, either as correspondents or as special envoys.
  • Members of international scientific missions in work and research authorized by the competent state or autonomous administration can get this work permit.
  • Artists in specific performances that do not exceed five continuous days or twenty days of performance in a period of fewer than six months.
  • Religious ministers and members of the hierarchy of churches, confessions and religious communities, and professed religious orders. These requirements must be met:
    • The Church or community must be registered with the Register of Religious Entities of the Ministry of Justice.
    • It must be a minister of worship, a member of the hierarchy or a professed religious.
    • The activities must be strictly religious, contemplative or respond to statutory purposes proper to the Order. Are expressly excluded work activities that are not carried out in this area.
    • The entity commits itself to assume the expenses of maintenance and lodging. Also, the ones in agreement with the regulation of Social Security.

The procedure for the obtainment of this kind of residence permit is simple. It’s not very different from the general Residence and work Permit Authorisation.

How can Lexidy help you?
Our job is not only to let you know the documentation you have to present and do the application on your behalf. As more applications come and go, we find out if the Administration has changed some of their criteria and if there are things you should take into consideration with these specific work permits. In summation, we prepare the application to be presented in the best way possible in order to increase the chances for the obtainment of an approval resolution. Please feel free to contact us!

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