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how to get a microcredit


Is it that common in Spain? 

Microcredits are more common in Spain that you think, you can get one in Spain without any complication from the comfort of your home.

The daily or monthly obligations such as food, housing and services, education, transportation, not to mention fun and leisure, requires money to be obtained and we know that it is very possible that at the end of the month you will look fair or, failing that, you will need it.

When you are in a hurry and in need, the first thing you want to do is to solve the problem, pay off the debt and be free.

How can you obtain a Microcredit? 

Apply for it

 These loans are made through both public and private sector entities; they can be NGOs, financial institutions such as banks and institutions and foundations or cooperatives.

You can apply physically or you have the possibility to save time and do it online, from any electronic device and from any place.

Complete the Requirements 

Once you are on the website of the entity you have chosen to apply for the microcredit you must select the amount of money you need and the term you think is convenient to repay it (remember that the terms vary, if the term you chose is not available, they will look for one that suits your needs).

These are some of the other requirements: 

  • you must be at least 18 years old
  • You must have a current bank account and this must be in the name of the person applying for the loan
  • Your DNI / NIE must be valid
  • You must have a job and  if you do not have a job you must be able to show that you have a monthly income and finally your credit history must be positive.

what happens if the loan is not repaid on the due date?

Surcharges will be applied to the initial amount borrowed. These surcharges are indicated in the Terms and Conditions of the entity


If you are interested in obtaining a micro credit in Spain, we mainly do intermediary service between lenders and consumers. We can assess your business needs and find a feasible creditor that adapts your necessities. Contact us and get a free consultation!

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