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Digital presentation for immigration applications

Special Measures Regarding Tax Matters Due to Covid 19


All those who have an appointment with the immigration office after March 16th and receive a cancellation of the appointment due to the current sanitary crisis, may submit the Digital presentation for immigration applications for initial residence and/or work permits

Due to the crisis that we are suffering because of the expansion of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), those who have an appointment assigned by the Spanish Immigration Office will not be able to present the corresponding application in person.

The different immigration offices aim to avoid the influx of people in their facilities and thus prevent the spread of the virus.

For this reason, they have exceptionally enabled the online submission of initial applications or authorisations, which require the presentation of a personal application at the Immigration Office, such as the presentation of a Residence Card for a Family Member of an EU Citizen or an initial Residence and Work Permit. 

Each Immigration Office has established a different period for the Digital presentation for immigration applications, in some cases up to 30 April or in others up to 5 natural days after the end of the state of alarm declared by the Spanish government.

Electronic applications can only be presented for procedures for which an appointment has already been made and which has been cancelled due to the closure of the Immigration Office.

The procedures that can be submitted by electronic means are:

– Application for a Long-Term Residence Permit, generally for 5 years of continuous residence in Spain. (art 148.1 RD 557/2011)

– Renewals of temporary residence and work permits

– Renewals of temporary residence and self-employment permits

– Non-Lucrative Residence Permit Renewals

– Renewal of residence permit for family reunification

– Renewals of residence and work permits as a highly qualified profesional (Blue card)

– Renewals of residence and work permits for researchers

– Renewal of residence permit with exception of work permit

– Modification of the residence authorization for exceptional circumstances due to work, social and family reasons, or any other case in which the holder has obtained authorization to work, to a residence and work authorization by

employed or self-employed

– Extension of Authorization of Stay for Studies, Student Mobility, Non-working Practices or Volunteer Services

– Extension of Authorization of Stay for relatives of the holder of Authorization of Stay for Studies, Mobility of Students, Non-working Practices or Volunteer Services

– Modification of Authorization of Stay for Studies, Student Mobility, Non-working Practices or Volunteer Services to Residence and Work Authorization or Residence with Exception to Work Authorization

– Modification of the Authorisation of Stay for relatives of the holder of Authorisation of Stay for Studies, Mobility of Students, Non-working Practices or Volunteer Services to Residence for Family Regrouping

– Permanent residence card of family member of EU citizen

– First application for the residence card for Family Members of EU Citizens

– First application for the residence and work permit


In case your appointment has been cancelled so you cannot apply in person at the Immigration Office, at Lexidy Law Boutique would be happy to help you with the submission of the Digital presentation for immigration applications on your behalf.

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