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Back up Plan for Spanish Residence Permit to Search for Employment

student status to work status


Have you been searching for a job in Spain, during the last year, by virtue of the Spanish residence permit to search for employment? If, unfortunately, you could not find a suitable professional position during this time, you can still apply for a new Student Visa, with the very same requirements that you had to fulfill when you first applied for it.

What are the General Requirements for the application of the Stay for Studies residence permit?

In order to apply for this stay authorization, some requirements must be fulfilled by the applicant, notably in terms of availability of economic means, and acceptance to an authorized academical institution.

  • Public or Private Health Insurance in Spain. It should be valid for the period of your stay in Spain and should be renewed automatically.
  • Proving the admission to an authorized educational center in Spain, for the completion of a full-time program, leading to the obtainment of a degree or certificate of studies.
  • You must dispose of sufficient economic means for your monthly upkeep, that is, 537,84€/month. If you prove the payment in advance of the housing, during the whole stay, the amount is reduced to 268.92€/month. Moreover, if any of your close relatives will be staying with you in Spain, the accredited amount must be increased by 403.38€ for the first relative, and by 268.92€ for each of the rest.
  • Criminal Record Certificate, for the country or countries (other than Spain) where you have resided in the last 5 years
  • Medical Certificate, proving not suffering from any of the diseases that can have serious public health repercussions, according to 2005’s International Health Regulation.

What is the procedure?

There are two ways of undertaking this procedure:

  1.  Presenting the application at the electronic registry up to one month before your residency permit expires; the application would be resolved within one month.
  2.  If your residency permit expired already, or there is less than one month left for its expiration date, then you would have to present the application at the Consulate of your home country.

Once the application is submitted and registered at the Consulate, in one month the application will be resolved. The Student Visa would be granted for a maximum of one year. Should it not be resolved during this period, the authorization will be rejected by administrative silence.

Within 2 months of the positive notification, the visa must be collected at the Consulate, and entrance into Spain must be realized upon within 3 months of the notification.

If the Student Visa is granted for less than 6 months, it will not be necessary to apply for the Foreigner Identity Card. Should it be granted for more than 6 months, you will have to apply for the card, within one month of your arrival to Spain.

How can Lexidy help me?

At Lexidy we can assist you with all the steps of the application for the Student Visa. Get in touch with us and see what we can do for you. We are eager to help you continue your academic career in Spain

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