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Current Status on EU COVID-19 Travel Restrictions

travel restrictions eu


The members of the European Council agreed on March 17th, 2020 to apply, for a period of 30 days, a temporary restriction on non-essential travel from third countries to the European Union and Schengen associated countries. The agreement was aimed at limiting the spread of the COVID-19 contagion. Spain applied this agreement by means of the Order INT/270/2020, of March 21st, establishing criteria for the application of a temporary restriction on non-essential travel from third countries to the European Union and Schengen associated countries for reasons of public order and public health, on the occasion of the health crisis caused by COVID-19.

After assessing the pandemic, the European Commission has recommended an extension until May 15th, 2020.

In this respect, any third-country national will be refused entry on grounds of public policy or public health, unless they belong to one of the following categories:

  1. Registered as an EU Citizen resident in Spain, as well as the spouse or partner of the Union citizen with whom they maintain a union analogous to a marriage registered in a public registry and those ascendants and descendants who live under their care.
  2. Holders of a long-stay visa issued by a Member State or Schengen associated State to the latter.
  3. Cross-border workers.
  4. Health or elderly care professionals going to or returning from work. 
  5. Personnel engaged in the transport of goods in the course of their work. 
  6. Diplomatic and consular staff.
  7. Persons travelling for imperative family reasons, duly accredited.
  8. Persons who provide documentary evidence of force majeure or distress, or whose entry is permitted on humanitarian grounds.
  9. This restriction will be in force until midnight on May 15th, 2020, without prejudice, where appropriate, to any extensions that may be agreed.

How can Lexidy help me?

At Lexidy we can clarify any doubt you may have regarding the scenario that has been created by the COVID-19 and the state of alert. Get in touch with us and see what we can do for you. We are eager to help you get established and enjoy your residence in Spain.

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