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Sephardic Jews

There are many questions that surround the topic of Sephardic Jews. So here you will find some useful information about the situation that surrounds Sephardic Jews.

Who are the Sephardic Jews?

The Sephardic Jews, originally from Sepharad, Spain, are a Jewish ethnic division. They established communities throughout areas of modern Spain and Portugal, where they traditionally resided. The diasporic identity is a distinctive characteristic, which they adopted in their exile from Iberia in the late 15th century.

What are the requirements for Sephardic Jews to get the Spanish Nationality?

One of the documents is the Proof of Sephardic Status.

Article 1.2 of the Law that regulates the procedure that has to be followed for the application for the Spanish Nationality for Sephardic Jews lists various evidentiary documents that will be evaluated as a whole by the notary authorizing the act, who will attest to this condition. There is no maximum or a minimum number of documents to be submitted with the application, but the fact that they must be assessed together indicates the need to provide more than one of them.

There is also no requirement for the compulsory presentation of none of the documents it mentions since any other circumstance that reliably demonstrates the condition as a Sephardic originating in Spain will have evidential character.

Some of the documents that the applicant can submit in order to accredit their Sephardic condition are the following:

  • Certificate issued by the President of the Permanent Commission of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain.
  • Certificate issued by the president or similar official of the Jewish community in the area of residence or home town of the person concerned and certificate from the competent rabbinical authority legally recognized in the applicant’s country of habitual residence.

The President of the Permanent Commission of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain or by themselves if they comply with some requirements should issue the endorsement of a certificate and present it with the certificates.

  • The applicant can also present the following ones in order to accredit the Sephardic conditions:
    • A certificate from a Rabbi recognized legally in the country of residence or the use of a Ladino.
    • Birth certificate or “ketubah” or marriage contract celebrated according to Castilian Tradition.
    • A reasoned report issued by an entity of sufficient competence, accrediting the family genealogy. Or that their surnames come from Sephardic people expelled from the kingdoms of Castile, Aragon, and Navarre or forced to convert to Christianity, from 1492.
    • Other documents that accredit the Sephardic condition.

The applicant will also have to prove a special connection to Spain.

Similarly, if you’re interested in migrating to Spain, here are some news in the application for Spanish nationality.

How can Lexidy Help?

At Lexidy, we can review all your documents and asses you if you are eligible to get the Spanish Nationality. So contact us and get a free consultation!

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