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how to evict a squatter


If you are a house/flat owner you have probably heard of the “Ocupas” or squatters and all the problems they cause the landlords across Spain. Here are some good news that will let you get rid of them much faster.

There is a new express eviction law in Spain

The Justice Commission of Congress has approved the proposed law that modifies the Law of Civil Procedure. This law accelerates the process to expedite the end of the illegal occupation of a house in a third property assumption.

What does it mean?

This means that there will be a sentence in less than 20 days.

A notification will be transferred to the occupants, which can be extended to those who are not currently in the home. Since then, the possession situation has to be justified by the occupants. Given this, “exclusively” can base their opposition to the claim on “the existence of sufficient title to own the home or lack of title” by the plaintiff.

It is more common than you think

In Spain,  most of the squatters are part of groups that enter the properties under the pretense of renting it. However, they stop paying rent and declare themselves in bankruptcy. After that, they negotiate a payout to leave the property.

What can Lexidy do for me? 

At Lexidy we can give you legal advise on how to proceed when something like this happens to you. We can also help you expedite the process of eviction under the new law if you are an ordinary citizen

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