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Case Study: First EU Blue Card in Spain

Case Type

The first successful EU Blue Card in Spain handled by Lexidy.

Case Background

The EU Blue Card is a new option for Highly Qualified Professionals who already hold a Blue Card issued in another EU State. Previously, obtaining this permit was challenging due to strict requirements prioritizing local employment. Applicants had to prove that no legal resident in Spain could perform the job.

A company approached Lexidy seeking immigration services for an employee from their German branch, who was being transferred to a high-level Director position in their Spanish branch.

Case Strategy

To qualify for this permit, an individual has to be living in another EU state under a Blue Card for at least 1 year and the application must me bade within the first month of entering Spain.

In this specific case, the employee had already been in Spain for 20 days, presenting a tight timeline. With swift action and collaboration, Lexidy ensured all necessary documents were provided in time and submitted the application before the deadline.

The Director position he was offered in Spain required the contract and job position to meet specific salary, professional group, and task requirements. Lexidy worked closely with the company to draft compliant documents.

Working against the clock, the team rapidly navigated the law and requirements, managing the process efficiently despite this being the first time we handled such a permit.

Case Outcome

The residence and work permit application was filed before the immigration authorities on a Friday, and by Monday, a positive resolution was received, granting the employee the right to work in Spain. Typically, these applications take a month to resolve.

As a Blue Card holder in Spain, the employee can work in other EU states for up to three months without needing additional work permits.

This successful case marks Lexidy’s first EU Blue Card approval, opening new opportunities for individuals with existing Blue Cards from other EU member states seeking job offers in Spain.

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