At Lexidy Law Boutique SL, as time goes by, we are having more and more frequent consultations on applications for residence and work permits for Highly Qualified Professionals.
Residence and work permits for Highly Qualified Professionals are a type of Golden Visa which aim to attract talent to Spain. This residence permit is designed for foreign workers with a very high professional profile. Logically, the remuneration they receive has to be proportional to their skills and value.
The application must be submitted by a company located in Spain which is also complying with certain basic requirements (such as being registered with the Social Security).
How much does a company have to pay to a golden visa highly qualified employee?
This question is essential. The Large Business and Strategic Collectives Unit (Spanish administration in charge of this kind of applications) use salary as one of the main criteria for accepting or rejecting applications. In the past, the administration used to grant authorisations for payrolls between 30000 and 35000 euros, approximately. Today, however, the criteria have been changed and amounts higher than 45000 euros are being requested.
How can Lexidy help the Golden Visa highly qualified professionals?
Our job is not only to let you know what documents you need and to present the application on your behalf. As more applications come and go, we are the first to find out if the Administration has changed some of their criteria. Also if there are things you should take into consideration. In summation, we prepare the application to be presented in the best way possible in order to increase the chances of success.
Get a free consultation and see what we can do for you.