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a guide to divorce

Whenever a marriage comes to an end it also means the start of an economic relationship. At Lexidy Law Boutique, we know how unpleasant this process can be. This is why our team of experts in Matrimonial Law can advise you regarding the procedure to pursue in case you have decided to take this important step in your life or assist you if your spouse has decided to do so.

  • Divorce by mutual agreement

The spouses can agree to a divorce by mutual or amicable agreement by setting up a divorce agreement before the judicial secretary of the judicial district that corresponds to them (taking into account the last known family residence, in most cases) or in a public deed before a Notary Public. This route is undoubtedly the best option for the spouses, given its simplicity and the speed with which the procedure is resolved. On the other hand, in addition to being a cheaper solution than the contentious divorce, it is also a less traumatic procedure for both spouses, and for the common children, if any.

  • Contentious divorce

This kind of divorce is the one that is realised through a judicial procedure. The divorce may be judicially decreed, regardless of the way the marriage took place, at the request of only one of the spouses, of both or of one with the consent of the other. At least three months must have passed since the celebration of the marriage before a contentious divorce can be filed. 

  • International Divorce

If you are married to a person of a different nationality and have decided to end your marriage, you need advice on which divorce procedure you should follow. LEXIDY’S experts in Family Law are here to advise you on which is divorce procedure to follow that best suits your particularities, especially if you and/or your spouse are of different nationalities. Each solution to be adopted depends on the personal situation of the parties, and in general, the divorce process will take place before the notary or judge of the last known family residence.



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