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Servicio de Poder Notarial en España

Obtenga un abogado que lo represente cuando compre una propiedad en España

¿Qué es el poder notarial?

El poder notarial le permite a un individuo otorgar poder a otra persona para que actúe en su nombre. Este acuerdo legal permite a una persona realizar inversiones inmobiliarias, como comprar una casa, o solicitar un documento personal en España o Portugal sin ingresar al país.

Uso del poder notarial para transacciones de bienes raíces

Otorgar un poder notarial a un experto legal puede acelerar y simplificar el proceso de compra o venta de un activo inmobiliario.

El proceso de transferir el título legal de una propiedad de una persona a otra se llama Traspaso. Sin embargo, la práctica es muy diferente en España en comparación con los EE. UU., Canadá y el Reino Unido.

En España, un abogado no es el guardián de los fondos y, en cambio, actúa como intermediario y garante de los derechos del cliente. Sin embargo, a veces un inversor no puede estar físicamente en España para embarcarse en una transacción inmobiliaria, por lo que recurre al poder notarial. Esto permite a los abogados realizar acciones que normalmente debe realizar el cliente.

Un abogado experimentado con poder notarial puede ayudar a un cliente a comprar una propiedad aceptando, modificando, firmando y ejecutando una variedad de actividades que una persona normalmente tendría que hacer en persona. Esto incluye el manejo de hipotecas y el pago de deudas. 

Con el poder notarial, la transmisión en España es mucho más simple y asequible que la alternativa. Un abogado actuará en el mejor interés del cliente y transmite tranquilidad. Los poderes pueden ser tan amplios o tan específicos como el cliente desee y siempre son únicos.

¿Cómo puede ayudarme un abogado?

Nuestros abogados están aquí como su opción más confiable para firmar documentos inmobiliarios importantes, como escrituras. Entendemos la ley de bienes raíces y tenemos una profunda experiencia en contratos complejos y activos complicados.

Con el poder notarial, puede evitar las molestias y los gastos de viajar y asignar el responsable a un abogado de bienes raíces de Lexidy.

Tu abogado está disponible para apoyarte hasta que los procesos finales estén listos para que los firmes y verifiques. Lexidy sabe con precisión qué requisitos se deben cumplir.

¨Estaremos contigo en cada paso de tu viaje.¨

– Equipo Inmobiliario

Lexidy es un despacho de abogados moderno, dinámico e innovador. Siempre ponemos a los clientes en el centro de nuestro trabajo y hacemos todo lo posible para brindar una experiencia excepcional. Nuestra experiencia en España y Portugal nos permite resolver problemas complejos a fondo y reducir todos los riesgos antes de que sucedan.

El número de Golden Visas emitidas con nosotros
Cuántos clientes asistimos en 2020
Nuestro puntaje promedio de 300 reseñas

¿Qué se necesita para el poder notarial?

  1. Se deben identificar las partes así como los poderes que la persona desea otorgar al abogado.
  2. El poder notarial debe acordarse con una firma formal y esto debe ser validado por un notario público.
  3. Si reside en un país diferente de donde se firma el contrato, debe validar el poder notarial en su embajada o consulado español local.

¿Cuál es el proceso para obtener un poder notarial?

  1. Reúna la documentación pertinente, como pasaportes y prueba de residencia, así como información sobre la propiedad. Esto puede tardar hasta diez días.
  2. Especifique los términos del poder notarial, que generalmente toma dos días.
  3. Firmar el Poder Notarial ante Notario Público.
  4. Sellar, o Apostillar, el documento o legalizarlo ante las autoridades competentes del país emisor.
  5. Envíe la documentación verificada a Lexidy.

Encuentre su Abogado de Inmigración

Preguntas frecuentes

El poder notarial debe ser legalizado y firmado ante notario. Primero, deberá ser legalizado ante las autoridades competentes del país de emisión y luego podrá ser reconocido por una misión diplomática con jurisdicción en el área de emisión.

Si no existe misión diplomática en el territorio, el interesado deberá legalizar el documento ante la Sección Consular competente en otro país o región.

El poder notarial generalmente otorga el poder de vender, comprar, alquilar, donar, registrar, realizar diligencias fiscales y licenciar cualquier obra.

Dependiendo de la propiedad o trato, se pueden incluir otros poderes. No existen límites legales que limiten las facultades que pueden otorgarse en una transacción inmobiliaria.

Si. El poder notarial generalmente se asigna a un abogado.

Un abogado entiende la ley y la mejor manera de proteger sus intereses.

El poder notarial puede ser redactado por cualquier persona, aunque existen algunos requisitos legales que deben cumplirse previamente. La mejor manera de obtener un poder notarial es pedirle a un abogado calificado que lo redacte con los detalles específicos de la transacción prevista.

Sí, el Poder puede ser revocado por las mismas formalidades con que fue otorgado.

El poder notarial no vence con la muerte del principal. El cargo de otorgante se transfiere a sus causahabientes quienes, a partir de esa fecha, lo ocuparán en la relación de representación.

Los sucesores pueden revocar, modificar, redefinir su interés o ejercitar todos los derechos existentes de que sea titular el causante.

Ser feliz. Únete a una comunidad de clientes satisfechos y exitosos

Lexidy Legal Tech
Basado en 455 opiniones
Alejandro Perez
Alejandro Perez
16:40 29 Dec 23
I’ve used them numerous times for my visa purposes. They’ve been honest and direct with there responses. Comes to show they’re knowledgeable and wont waste both our times. Highly recommend them!
Yaw Kevin
Yaw Kevin
02:00 27 Sep 23
We get to know about Spanish Golden Visa by property investment through web searches but as a foreigners we have limited knowledge about Golden Visa application compliance and property sales and purchase governing rules and regulations.There are many websites out there listing out how Golden Visa legal system or property ownership in Spain works but we know it is even beyond language bearer that we need an experience, responsive and dedicated specialist to do the job.We come across Lexidy Law, which specialized in assisting foreigners in Golden Visa application and in our case through the property purchases (there are few types of ways for qualifying on Spanish Golden Visa application).Because of the straightforward services price structure of Lexidy and easy to understand explanations of the home-purchasing process, we felt confident after meeting with Mr.Alejandro who is the first person we met of the application process.During our property purchase, the sale of the house has come to a halt and become a complex and problematic deal as a result of sellers’ family dispute on the sales proceed distribution. The argument lasted for two months, pushing back the completion deadline.The Lexidy real estate team has done an excellent job, in particular with the lead by Señor Juan Diego.Juan is highly knowledgeable, competent and down to earth practical lawyer in this field; his previously work experience in real property gives us good spectrum of views and advices with alternative or solutions and he shows his capability in ranking them logically so we do the decision to choose the best fit for ourselves.He promptly provides updates on every development and highlights complication or consequences from both the seller and buyer perspective (nearly every day). His effective and fluent communication skills in written and spoken English saved thousand words for non Spanish language speakers like us; He maintain his client's best interests in mind yet remain independent in giving his advices.Lexidy's real estate team has spent a considerable amount of time and resources helping us have a successful closure to this property purchase.Yes, we are now proud house owners, and Lexidy didn't charge us extra for the additional work and efforts on the process hiccup. We are impressed and thankful with the professionalism.Thankful Lexidy, it would be impossible for us to have a flawless closure and a successful property transaction which now lead us to the final path of Spanish Golden Visa process which handle by Ms.Laura and her team.It is truly a blessing and we sincerely hope that our review might also benefit you in finding a correct choice of Spanish Golden Visa application service provider.
Jonathan Elron
Jonathan Elron
07:37 13 Aug 23
A great law firm that covers anything an expat might need. I needed help with real estate initially, and they also helped me with immigration, taxes, and corporate legal matters. Fantastic people to work with. Alejandro from their real estate and immigration department is my main contact and he is an absolute pleasure to work with. Highly recommended!
Omar Ghosheh
Omar Ghosheh
21:25 15 Jun 23
Lexidy Law team provided me excellent service. Their promptness and customer service was outstanding. I used Lexidy to facilitate the purchase of my house in Marbella Spain and they made the experience so simple and pleasant. I highly recommend Lexidy’s services. Juan Muñoz and Alejandro Cano were my point of contact and found both of them a joy to work with.
10:47 24 Mar 23
Alejandro was helping me navigate the process of nueva obra construction to gain Spanish golden visa. He proved to be very knowledgeable and we had a great phone call where I learned more in 20 minutes than I would have from months of internet research. Unfortunately the property I was looking at ended up not being suitable, which was discovered thanks to his due-diligence, so I was not able to go through the entire process, so I can't provide a review of the full legal process. But I'll be engaging with Lexidy again if I find a suitable property for me in the future!
Radostin Denev
Radostin Denev
09:47 27 Oct 22
Comment from Radostin and Kaloyan Bulgaria:We could recommend working with Lexidy and especially with Juan Diego Muñoz to everyone. Our assessment is defenitely 10 out of 10!Strict professional who cover full end-to-end journey in buying real estate and successful relocation to Spain in our case. We highly appreciate efficient and effective approach and providing us and supporting us in each step of the journey in buying property in Spain. Without support of Juan Diego we would be lost, he provides us with daily support in most critical days before finalization of the deal and also there was not even a single question to which he could not provide us details in most structured way.Thank you Juan Diego Muñoz, thank you Lexidy we will be happy working together in the future.We wish you lots of success in your innovative and trustful approach in supporting your customers in a holistic way.Radostin and Kaloyan
Linda Sparling
Linda Sparling
15:32 04 Oct 22
I worked with Juan Diego de Muñoz for my real estate lawyer. His help was invaluable to me! He worked with the sellers and real estate agents who were reluctant to engage in the due diligence process for the property I bought. He smoothed that over and helped me obtain a thorough check of my flat and the building it’s in, which yielded important information. Juan Diego made sure my every question and concern were addressed the same day that I raised them. Metaphorically, he held my hand through the whole process, but also made sure I was the one making informed decisions. I highly recommend him and Lexidy Law Boutique!
Simon Blomfield
Simon Blomfield
10:18 26 Aug 22
Lexidy Law - sucessful Non Lucrative Visa assistanceI employed Lexidy Law to assist with applying for my Non-Lucrative Visa, now granted. I also used them to check my property rental contract.Cristina Vizoso was my legal contact and was highly responsive and reassuring.In the future, I will certainly be using Lexidy to assist with my TIE and to apply for an autonomous Visa. I highly recommend them for all your immigration to Spain needs
Kate Busby
Kate Busby
10:55 20 Jul 22
Alejandro has been a great help these past years.
Rick Estrada-Stone
Rick Estrada-Stone
15:05 16 Jul 22
We are working with Lexidy for our immigration and real estate needs. Our real estate lawyer, Juan Diego Muñoz, has been amazing to work with throughout the entire process. His diligent communication during the real estate purchase has not only kept us informed every step of the way, but helped us to understand the differences and intricacies of purchasing property in Spain. We can't say enough great things about Juan Diego and the team at Lexidy.
Drew Mendoza
Drew Mendoza
16:12 06 Jul 22
Amazing service from Alejandro initially and then Juan. We were intending to purchase a property in Barcelona and Juan conducted all of the checks to ensure the deal was legitimate - it turned out that it was not as straight forward a transaction as initially expected and Juan helped us to avoid a potential financial disaster. We are so grateful and have 100% confidence in Lexidy's professionalism . We will certainly be using them more in the future and highly recommend them!
12:34 04 Jul 22
I am looking to to buy my first property in Spain and had my intro call with Alejandro today- very pleased with the valuable insights gained and your guidance on the legal aspects of the Spanish property market, sales cycle, mortgage application process and risk mitigation. Alejandro, thank you so much for your advice and invested time, I'm genuinely looking forward to working together on this exciting project:)
Duncan Casemore
Duncan Casemore
08:57 01 Jul 22
My wife, 2 children, and I wanted to move to Spain on a non-lucrative visa to experience something new following a stressful covid period. I had the privilege of working with Max and Gabriela, who were outstanding: Fluent English, nurturing us the whole way from initial sales contact through to landing in Spain, refreshingly responsive (usually within minutes, unlike many legal firms which work in units of days!), deeply knowledgable (added so much more value beyond paperwork), professional, experienced, and couldn't do enough for us. Top marks -- and that's from a customer with high expectations! Thank you for the quality experience and for helping us realise our dreams 🙂
21:46 29 Jun 22
We contacted Lexidy Law boutique when we recently moved from Cyprus to open a new chapter in our lives to move into a house in Brittany that we had bought 12 years previously. We had underestimated the twists and turns involved in obtaining residency in France - so we contacted Lexidy Law Boutique and were assigned Eleonore, an immigration lawyer well acquainted with French immigration laws. From the very beginning we realised she was determined that we should have a successful outcome and she guided us expertly to avoid all the pitfalls in the process of applying for residency. She even accompanied us to the prefecture and ensured that everything went smoothly - without her presence we might well have not succeeded.We thank and highly recommend Eleonore and Lexidy Law Boutique.
Irene Riportella
Irene Riportella
16:12 13 Jun 22
Excelente atención de Alejandro, me indicó todos los procedimientos necesarios para tramitar el NIE y me envió un presupuesto rápidamente. Muchas gracias!
Phil S
Phil S
20:13 22 May 22
We have just completed the purchase of a new build apartment in Catalunya. Lexidy were recommended to me by a colleague who'd relocated from the US to the Costa Brava. As non Spanish/Catalan speakers, it was a great relief to have people we could trust working on all aspects of the purchase - including arranging a bank account, NIE's and the wifi..! From the initial meeting over Zoom to the final transaction Carlota and Antonia provided first class service and communication. And by providing them with Power of Attorney it meant we could do most of the things we needed to do without leaving the UK.
Pit Rissiek
Pit Rissiek
09:37 19 May 22
Absolutely Professional and worth-it Experience!I can highly recommend working with Carlota Llopart and Lexidy! Carlota and the team have gone beyond my expectations when it comes to owning and actually even driving the steps for my mortgage, the purchase of my flat as well as taxes filed. I have had an extremely difficult seller, but I was able to fully trust the team to guide me through this first acquisition.I have already recommended Lexidy to friends who had similar positives experiences and will continue working with Carlota and the team. Side note, me being German: Great value for money too!
Mariposa Avaria
Mariposa Avaria
19:50 05 May 22
Han logrado lo prometido, gracias especialmentea Alejandro

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