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Category: NEWS

Greece Visa News: Guide To the Best Golden Visa In Europe

Want Greece visa news on the cradle of the Western world?

Want to move to Greece, decorated with historical ruins like badges of honor, surrounded by gentle lapping turquoise waters, and celebrated as the birthplace of democracy?

Portugal Golden Visa News: April 2023 Updates

The April 2023 new wording is a significant win for opponents of the proposed changes.

In sum, the final proposed version of the Portuguese Golden Visa will not include the retroactive application of a new rule that demands 183 days per year of physical presence in Portugal…

digital nomad in spain

Special Tax Regime and the Startup Law

On October 14th 2022, the Spanish government changed lives with a new startup law, titled the “Proyecto de Ley de fomento del ecosistema de las empresas


Fintech and Legaltech boom in Spain

Last Thursday, 11 March, Carles Saffouri (Head of Corporate Department al Lexidy Law Boutique), was invited by EAE Business School, to conduct a webinar about his professional background

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